3000m cone
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Sewing Threads, Gutermann Sewing Threads, Overlocking Threads, Hand Sewing Threads, Gutermann, * New Stock *, Basting Thread, Shop by Brand, Clearance Sewing Sale, Dyeable Threads, Sewing Thread Strength: 30, Threads: On Sale
25% POLYESTER, 75% CELLULOSEHalf-Bleached Colour: In Stock
£11.99 inc. VAT£9.99 ex. VAT£10.99 inc. VAT£9.16 ex. VAT Add to bag -
Mara, Sewing Threads, Mara Cones, Gutermann Sewing Threads, Overlocking Threads, Gutermann, Leather & Denim Threads, Buttonhole Threads, Shop by Brand, Upholstery Threads, Top Stitching Threads, Sewing Thread Strength: 30
100% POLYESTERBlk, Wht & Undyed: In stock
Colours: 5-8 days delivery -
Sewing Threads, Gutermann Sewing Threads, Overlocking Threads, Gutermann, Leather & Denim Threads, Tera, Buttonhole Threads, Shop by Brand, Upholstery Threads, Top Stitching Threads, Clearance Sewing Sale, Sewing Thread Strength: 30, Threads: On Sale
100% POLYESTERUndyed: In stock
Sewing Threads, Mara, Gutermann Sewing Threads, Mara Cones, Overlocking Threads, Gutermann, Leather & Denim Threads, Buttonhole Threads, Upholstery Threads, Shop by Brand, Top Stitching Threads, Clearance Sewing Sale, Multicolour Threads, Sewing Thread Strength: 30, Threads: On Sale
100% POLYESTERColour 8023: In stock
Sewing Threads, Mara, Gutermann Sewing Threads, Mara Cones, Overlocking Threads, Gutermann, Leather & Denim Threads, Buttonhole Threads, Shop by Brand, Upholstery Threads, Top Stitching Threads, Clearance Sewing Sale, Sewing Thread Strength: 30, Multicolour Threads, Threads: On Sale
100% POLYESTERColour 9822: In stock
Sewing Threads, Gutermann Sewing Threads, Mara, Mara Cones, Overlocking Threads, Gutermann, Leather & Denim Threads, Buttonhole Threads, Upholstery Threads, Shop by Brand, Top Stitching Threads, Clearance Sewing Sale, Multicolour Threads, Sewing Thread Strength: 30, Threads: On Sale
100% POLYESTERColour 9957: In stock
Gutermann Sewing Threads, Mara, Mara Cones, Sewing Threads, Overlocking Threads, Gutermann, Leather & Denim Threads, Buttonhole Threads, Shop by Brand, Upholstery Threads, Top Stitching Threads, Clearance Sewing Sale, Sewing Thread Strength: 30, Multicolour Threads, Threads: On Sale
100% POLYESTERColour 9814: In stock
Showing all 7 results

Gutermann Multicolour Mara 30 Thread, 3000m Cone, Col 8023 From £24.98 inc. VATFrom £20.82 ex. VAT
Just a shame l don't live closer as l would really enjoy a good look round - internet shopping is just not the same!
Thank you William Gee