William Gee's Haberdashery

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William Gee's Haberdashery

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Inside-William-GeeA haberdasher is a person or company that sells items related to sewing- such as buttons, ribbons, zips, pins, needles, wonder web, thimbles and similar articles. Historically it actually has an illustrious past. From being mentioned in the class Canterbury Tales, to being a hobby for some unlikely modern day people like Christopher Lloyd (Back To The Future), and Captain James Cook. Haberdashery supplies have been a hobby for Hollywood A list stars and American presidents alike.

In the UK, haberdashery has also reached the world of actors, businessmen , philanthropists and athletes. William Gee is the UK’s leading supplier of haberdashery supplies, fashion design tools and textile supplies, catering for all your sewing and textile working needs. Imagine what you could do with our textile supplies direct from William Gee?

Here are 3 top ideas:

Textile Cards:
Home made gift cards have been big for years now. People are shunning the shop-bought nonsense and designing and making their own fancy birthday and Christmas cards. Textile cards, and cards with fabric and textile designs sewed onto them have become very big. People love the tactile nature of fabric and you can make some quaint little cards with the fabrics and fastenings available at William Gee. We have the most comprehensive range of haberdashery supplies around.

Tie Dye Kids
After hitting it big in the hippie hay days of the 1960’s, tie dye went a bit south for a while there. But recently thanks to some top London and Milan based designers using the technique all over again, it has become really popular. You can spend a fortune on pre-dyed clothes from specialist retailers, or you can browse the textile supplies section of the William Gee website and buy all the fabric dye you need. The technique is really easy. And before you know it you will have a whole kids wardrobe full of trendy looking tie dye clothing. Get creative!

Dress Making
This this fell out of fashion for a couple of decades- mainly due to mass produced inexpensive clothing imported from the Asian sub continent. But in the last few years due to celebrities like Kirsty Allsop and Gok Wan, home made frocks are all the rage. At William Gee you will find a whole world of haberdashery supplies and fashion design tools to set you on your way. So what are you waiting for?

We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve partnered with Tree Nation, the platform to reforest the world & fight climate change! Home to over 90 planting projects in 33 countries, Tree Nation is a non-profit organisation that helps people & companies offset their CO2 emissions. Join us by planting trees & offsetting carbon emissions with William Gee today!
