William Gee's Haberdashery

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William Gee's Haberdashery

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Tips for Starting Dressmaking

Tips for Starting Dressmaking – Part 2

So as promised, here are some top tips for placing and cutting out your pattern. This is possibly one of the most important bits of the dressmaking process – if you cut it out correctly, then the garment will go together well.

For part 1, click here.

Tips for Starting Dressmakingcheckbox Read the Instructions!
It sounds daft, but the instructions are there for a reason and good patterns, include all you need to know to succeed. They show you which pieces you need, how to fold your fabric (usually right sides together) and which way round to place the pattern pieces. Follow the diagrams and instructions and you will get it right.
checkbox Pin carefully 
Make sure you pin carefully, ensuring the pattern pieces and fabric are nice and flat. Make sure any pieces that are cut on a fold are placed right on it.
checkbox Remember the Notches!
When you come to cut out each piece, remember to take notice of any notches (they look like triangles drawn on the edge of the pattern) and cut OUTWARDS – it is really important to do this so the pieces can be constructed correctly and accurately. Use lovely sharp fabric scissors and ensure you follow the correct sizing line for your size.
checkbox Mark Circles and Darts 
Before you begin sewing and taking the pattern pieces off make sure you have marked any circles, dots and other placement markings. You can do this with needle and thread making something called a tailor tack. Or an alternative quick and easy method is to use dressmakers’ carbon paper (as shown in the photo). Place the carbon paper coloured side down between the pattern piece and fabric. Mark the circle or line with a pen and it will transfer through onto the fabric below.
Once all cut out and marked up, you are ready to start sewing! 

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