Showing 753–768 of 1797 results
Haberdashery, Design and Studio Equipment, Bra Pads, Shoulder Pads and Head Rolls, Hemline, Shop by Brand, Lingerie and Bridal Wear
Size: Sml | Med | Lrg
Colour: White -
Haberdashery, Pins, Pins and Sewing Needles, Design and Studio Equipment, Hemline, Shop by Brand, Craft Supplies
Huge pin cushion for storing your needles!
Interfacings, Interfacings and Linings, Hessian and Buckram, All Sew-In Interfacings, All Woven Interfacings
NON-FUSIBLE (SEW IN)Width: 100cm
Length: 1m | 5m
Colour: Natural-Brown -
Interfacings and Linings, Batting, Wadding and Filling
Weight: 270g (approx)
Interfacings and Linings, Batting, Wadding and Filling, Black Friday Sewing Sale
Size: 25cm x 25cm (10″ x 10″)
Haberdashery, Everyday Sewing Threads, Overlocking Threads, Design and Studio Equipment, Fashion Design Tools, Student Tools, * New Stock *, Shop by Brand, Student Sewing Supplies, Prym, Sewing Machine Accessories
Adapts larger cones and spools of sewing thread to fit your sewing machine!
Machine Needles, Haberdashery, Pins and Sewing Needles, Design and Studio Equipment, Shop by Brand, Prym, Sewing Machine Accessories
Code 130/705
Units: Pack of 5 needles -
Haberdashery, Sewing Kits, Sewing Kits, Student Sewing Supplies, Lingerie and Bridal Wear
The essential bridal pack to get you going!
Showing 753–768 of 1797 results