William Gee's Haberdashery

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William Gee's Haberdashery

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Sewing Quick Tricks and Tips

Sewing Quick Tips and Tricks

Lets face it – you might be the Queen Bee of sewing, but after hours and hours of cutting, pinning and draping it can start to do your head in. Here are a few helpful tips to make life a little bit easier. Consider that next 1 a.m. sewing meltdown averted.


Rubber Banded Seam Allowance
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It seems like something you should have thought of ages ago. No need to try to eyeball that 1-inch seam allowance next time.

Super Quick Seam Ripper Technique
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If I ever finish a seam and realize I’ve made a mistake my immediate thought is usually, “it’s going to take forever to take this apart…” If you’re like me, try out this woman’s seam ripping technique to cut the time in half.

Dual Pencil Seam Allowance
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Whether you have a pattern that does not include a seam allowance, or you are creating your own, here’s a tip to save you loads of measuring time: the distance between the tips of two standard-sized pencils is usually just about a ¼ inch. Wrap some tape around the two so that they draw easily together and just like that you’ve got a perfectly measured seam allowance.

Tape Over Buttons
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Buttons can be a finicky application. They move, they twist, they can be a real pain. Keep those little guys in place by sticking a piece of tape over where you want them. Then sew through the tape and simply rip the tape off afterward.

Needle Knot Trick
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Trying to tie a knot in the same place multiple times is normally a touch-and-go kind of process. Try this trick to make a quick sturdy knot on the first try every time.

Card Stock Hem Measurements
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Gone are the days of tedious seam measuring. Grab a piece of card stock, make a prominent line along the paper at the desired measurement from the edge. Fold the fabric over card stock aligning fabric edge with the drawn line, press, iron and voila!

Well folks, there you have it. Hope these tricks of the trade make your next project a breeze. If you have any sewing hacks you use to simplify your projects please leave a comment below!

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  1. […] bit easier. Consider that next 1 a.m. sewing meltdown averted.   To read the entire article click here.   […]

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